Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Pray for the mothers of the persecuted church - Open Doors UK & Ireland
Mothering Sunday
04 February 2024

Pray for the mothers of the persecuted church

The mothers of the persecuted church bear a heavy burden. Many are left alone to look after their children, either because their husband is in jail or because he has been killed. Others must keep their faith secret from their wider family for fear of being exiled or punished. And, while all mothers want the best for their children, they know that following Jesus has a huge impact on their family. And might even put their children in danger. This mother's day, please pray for the mothers of the persecuted church. 

Mothering Sunday

A prayer for the mothers of the persecuted church

Lord Jesus,
You, who became human through a woman,
We pray for all mothers in places where it is hard to follow you.
Grant them courage and hope,
Help them to face the uncertain future with certain faith,
Help them to show Your love to husbands, family, friends – and most of all to
their children.
Give them joy and delight in the good times,
And comfort and peace, in times of challenge.
May they have wisdom to share with their children,
and hope to share with all they meet.
Be with them Lord, we pray.

Simin in Iran: How a mother’s love for her child was used as a threat against her.

Courage. Forgiveness. Perseverance. Hope. Qualities mothers all around the world need every day, wherever they are.

And none more than Simin*.

Simin and her husband, Mohsen*, began a house church in Iran. Their small church had been growing as Simin and her husvand couragousaly shared their faith. But, one morning, 12 police officers raided their home. Athe gospel with others, and more people became Christians, Simin began hosting her own house church young man had become a Christian and his angry family tipped off the authorities.

The whole family was arrested and jailed. Including their two-year-old daughter.

The 18 days in detention were horrendous. Simin and her daughter were separated from Mohsen, and the interrogation Simin faced went on for hours.

“They wanted to find other believers through me, then they wanted to suggest that I’m connected to other countries’ politics and my aim is to mislead others against Islam and the government,” she recalls. “But I just wanted to lead people to Jesus’ love.”

The interrogators threatened her with the worst outcome any loving mother could imagine: separation from her child. “If you don’t come back to Islam, you’ll spend years in prison,” they told her. “What will happen to your child?”

After 18 days’ imprisonment, the family was released, but the couple were later found guilty of ‘propaganda against the regime’. Mohsen was sentenced to a year’s penal servitude and Simin was fined. She was also fired from her job as a nurse. The family made the difficult decision to flee Iran.

Since then they have connected with Open Doors local partners who have helped them to process all that has happened to them. She and Mohsen now have an online ministry, with Simin teaching the Bible to women in Iran and preparing them to lead house churches. “I’m not completely in a safe zone yet, but I understand the pain of these women,” she says. “I want to comfort and serve them.

“In the journey of my life, I experienced persecution a lot,” she adds. “But I always witnessed God at work!”

Imprisoned, sacked and forced to flee Iran - Read Simin’s full, amazing story here.

In the meantime, please pray for Simin and all the mothers of the persecuted church.

Pray that they will be able to care for their children and that the precious love of a mother for her children will never be used against them.

* Names changed for security purposes 

  • Remember those who must struggle on their own. Those whose husbands have been killed, or jailed, or who must live far apart. Pray for comfort and strength.
  • Remember those mothers who themselves have been imprisoned for their faith, and who cannot care for their families. Pray for endurance and hope.
  • Remember those who face opposition from their own families for their faith. Those whose husbands or family do not want them to follow Christ. Pray for faithfulness and courage.
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