Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Be a blessing - Open Doors UK & Ireland
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Be a blessing

Naomi blessing

Naomi from Indonesia shows what it is to live a generous life and the impact we can have if we share our talents and skills with others.

A couple of years back, Naomi from Indonesia, attended an Open Doors supported tailoring course. Open Doors also gave her a sewing machine. For a while she was making clothes, bags and other accessories to sell, but during the pandemic people stopped buying those goods.

But in this time Naomi chose to live generously and love her neighbours.

With the shops running out of stocks of protective masks, she started to produce handmade masks. She gave the masks away to friends, family and church members, but then a shop owner requested her to produce them in large quantities, enough to ensure Naomi could provide for her own family.

“The income from selling the masks helps us a lot, amidst the current economic situation. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to learn the skills because it became a blessing to our community now.

“When you are given a talent and skill, do make something out of it to be a blessing to your surroundings. This mask is my contribution to my family and community.”

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